269 Wickenden

1/29/2024 Update:

Last Wednesday, January 24, the Zoning Board of Review voted unanimously to uphold the City Plan Commission’s October Master Plan Approval and waivers regarding the 269 Wickenden proposal, allowing the project to proceed. This appeal was brought forward by the Fox Point Neighborhood Association. The Master Plan Approval still does not include the rear setback waiver for the building. The approval came with many conditions, including: details on the transformer’s location; that the loading space for parking remains; specifications that prove the cellar; details for landscaping, floor plans, drainage management and signage. These details will be presented at the proposal’s next step, Preliminary Planning, and we will keep you updated as the process progresses. You can review the most recent plans here.

11/09/2023 Update:

Last month’s denial of a rear setback dimensional adjustment has brought concerns of financial viability from the developer. This proposal’s massing, scale and density will make the project the largest building in the surrounding area. PPS believes that the housing crisis can only be overcome by prioritizing the construction of affordable and accessible residential units. The 75 market-rate units – most of which are smaller than 500 square feet – and large commercial spaces that this proposal offers, will need to be offered at price points that will inevitably disrupt the local economic vitality and displace the very businesses that make Wickenden Street an attractive destination for Providence residents and visitors.

10/11/2023 Update:

On Tuesday, October 17, the City Plan Commission will review the Master Plan Proposal for 269 Wickenden. This proposal would involve the demolition of two 1980s buildings in favor of a five-story, mixed-use property with 62 residential units, multiple ground-floor commercial spaces, and a basement parking garage. It was originally approved in August with conditions: design adjustments to the landscaping, drainage management, parking for deliveries, signage, and an adjustment to the fifth floor at the corner of Wickenden and Brook Streets that reduces its appearance as a sixth floor on that corner. You can review the agenda, materials, and how to attend on the CPC website. You can also submit a comment letter to cmanjrekar@providenceri.gov by October 16 at 4:00 pm.

8/29/2023 Update:

On Tuesday, August 15, the City Plan Commission voted to approve the Master Plan Proposal for 269 Wickenden. This proposal would involve the demolition of two 1980s buildings in favor of a five-story, mixed-use property with 62 residential units, multiple ground-floor commercial spaces and a basement parking garage. The approval was contingent on developers making design adjustments to the landscaping, drainage management, parking for deliveries, signage and an adjustment to the fifth floor at the corner of Wickenden and Brook Streets, as it appears as a sixth floor on that corner. At this time, there is no timeline for the project to return with the requested design adjustments. 

PPS does not oppose the demolition of those two buildings nor the construction of housing units on Wickenden Street. However, PPS does oppose the scale, massing, and design of the building, which does not remotely suit the character or architectural fabric of this unique and well-loved street. We also oppose the construction of market-rate units, which will not alleviate the housing crisis in Providence, but rather further aggravate rising rental costs.

8/10/2023 Update:

On Tuesday, August 15, the Major Land Development proposal for 269 Wickenden Street will be presented to the City Plan Commission. This proposal would construct a five-story, mixed-use building with 62 residential units, along with a cellar with commercial space and parking. The applicant will also seek an adjustment to allow for the fifth-story, along with a design waiver for the window sills. If approved, two 1980s buildings will be demolished. PPS does not feel that the proposal’s massing and design are appropriate for Wickenden Street. You can review the project’s designs here. You may also attend and offer comments in person or via Zoom. The meeting agenda with details can be reviewed here. Comment letters can be submitted to cmanjrekar@providenceri.gov until Monday, August 14, at 5:00 pm.

6/28/2023 Update:

The 269 Wickenden proposal has been continued to the August 15 City Plan Commission meeting. If approved, this will be a five-story mixed-use building on the southeast corner of Wickenden and Brook Streets. Two buildings would be demolished and their lots reconfigured. One of these buildings is listed as a contributing property, and both fall within the College Hill National Register District.

5/11/2023 Update:

Fox Point Capital has proposed a five-story mixed-use building on the southeast corner of Wickenden and Brook Streets. Two buildings would be demolished and their lots reconfigured. The proposal will be presented to the City Plan Commission next Tuesday, May 16, at 5 pm. It was also presented to PPS’ Planning and Architectural Review Committee earlier this month. PPS is concerned regarding the building’s scale and massing, its lack of contextual design, and the precedent the construction of this building will set for future development on Wickenden Street. You can review the proposal here, and you can submit comments to cmanjrekar@providenceri.gov until Monday, May 15, at 5 pm.

Fox Point Capital has proposed a five-story mixed-use building on Wickenden Street. Two buildings would be demolished and their lots reconfigured. The proposal was scheduled for review at the City Plan Commission on Tuesday, April 18, but was continued to the May 16 meeting. The proposal also includes a design waiver request and a dimensional variance for 65 feet in a 50-feet, four-story zone. (Photo courtesy of Providence Architecture Co).

© 2025 Providence Preservation Society. All rights reserved. Design by J. Hogue at Highchair designhaus, with development & support by Kay Belardinelli.