Programs & Events

In addition to its signature events, listed below, PPS produces a range of public programs throughout the year, including walking tours, lectures, symposia, and more.

Annual Meeting

At this meeting, held every January, hear an update on the prior year’s activities, plans for the coming year, current advocacy, and a topical lecture. New trustees are elected and the Most Endangered Properties list is announced. Videos of previous meetings are available on our YouTube channel

Winter Bash

The Winter Bash, a six-time Best of RI award winner, began in 2003 as a way to highlight large, underutilized historic spaces in Providence. Held in February or March each year, it is now one of the best themed fundraisers in Rhode Island, attracting hundreds of people of all ages. It gets bigger, better, and more outrageous every year! Check out photos of this event on Facebook.

Festival of Historic Houses

Nearly every year since 1958, PPS has offered a weekend of house tours, neighborhood walks, and other place-based programs. The festival highlights the architecture and history of one of Providence’s historic neighborhoods every spring. This is one of Providence’s most popular heritage tourism events, drawing hundreds of people from near and far. Learn more about this event.

Providence Symposium

Typically held in the late fall in alternate years, this content-rich event explores big ideas and invites the community and heritage practitioners to look at the world around them with fresh eyes. Check out our YouTube channel for videos of past events.

Preservation Awards

Every other year, PPS confers awards that recognize outstanding preservation, adaptive reuse and community heritage projects that have been completed in Providence during the preceding two years; and individuals, community groups or organizations that have had a substantial impact on heritage efforts across the city. Learn more about this event and see past winners.


© 2025 Providence Preservation Society. All rights reserved. Design by J. Hogue at Highchair designhaus, with development & support by Kay Belardinelli.